4.3 Personnel expenses

in CHF thousands


1.4.2023 to 31.3.2024


1.4.2022 to 31.3.2023






Wages and salaries





Performance-based compensation





Compensation of the board of directors





Social security contributions





Pension plan expenses





Other personnel expenses





Total personnel expenses


–1 573


–1 543

A total of four employees were employed as at 31 March 2024 (previous year: five). Accordingly, wages and salaries wages and salaries decreased by kCHF 86.

Other personnel expenses include expenses for lump-sum expenses for employees and members of the Board of Directors. This item also includes the cost of directorsʼ and officersʼ liability insurance premiums, the costs for recruiting new employees and expenses for further education and training for existing employees. The increase in other personnel expenses is due to the recruitment of new employees.