Züblin Immobilien Holding AG is committed to ensuring that its shareholders and the capital market receive up-to-date, open, and transparent information.

The main vehicles for disseminating information are the annual and semi-annual reports and the website, ad hoc announcements and general media releases, the results presentation for the media and analysts, and the AGM.

Interested parties can register for electronic delivery of ad hoc publications, media releases and the annual and half-year reports at

Main dates for the release of information:

  1. Balance sheet date 2023/24: 31 March 2024
  2. Publication of annual results 2023/24: Thursday, 16 May 2024
  3. 35th ordinary Annual General Meeting: Thursday, 27 June 2024
  4. Publication of the semi-annual results 2024/25: will be published on the company’s website

As a listed company, Züblin Immobilien Holding AG is required to disclose information that may affect its share price under the Listing Rules of the SIX Exchange Regulation (

For Investor Relations queries, please contact:

Roland Friederich
Phone +41 44 206 29 39