5.13 Compensation

Compensation of the members of the Board of Directors

in CHF


Basic compensation








Financial year 2023/24





Dr. Markus Wesnitzer, Chairman 1


130 000


130 000

Nicolas Gross, Member 2


52 500


52 500

Yves Rossier, Member 2 3


52 500


52 500

David Schärli, Member 4


52 500


52 500

Dr. Wolfgang Zürcher 5


37 500


37 500

Total Board of Directors


325 000


325 000






Financial year 2022/23





Dr. Wolfgang Zürcher, Chairman


150 000


150 000

Vladislav Osipov, Member 1


56 778


56 778

David Schärli, Member


70 000


70 000

Dr. Markus Wesnitzer, Member


70 000


70 000

Total Board of Directors


346 778


346 778

1 since 22 June 2023 Chairman, prior Member

2 since June 22, 2023

3 Board remuneration (plus VAT) paid to Tazio Consulting Sagl, Giubiasco

4 Fee waiver for the period January-March 2024

5 until June 22, 2023

6 until January 22, 2023

Compensation of the Executive Management (CEO/CFO)

in CHF


Basic compensation


Bonus in cash


Employers contribution 1



Financial year 2023/24









Roland Friederich, CEO/CFO


300 000


40 000


60 350


400 350

Total Executive Management


300 000


40 000


60 350


400 350

Compensation approved by the Annual General Meeting








600 000










Financial year 2022/23









Roland Friederich, CEO/CFO


300 000


75 000


63 767


438 767

Total Executive Management


300 000


75 000


63 767


438 767

Compensation approved by the Annual General Meeting








600 000

1 thereof contribution to pension schemes (AHV, pension fund) CHF 49'115 (prior year: CHF 50'339)