1. Voting rights and representation restrictions

The registered shares of Züblin Immobilien Holding AG are unitary shares, giving all shareholders the same participation rights. Every share whose holder or beneficiary is listed in the share register as a shareholder with voting rights has one vote. There are no statutory restrictions on voting rights.

Shareholders in Swiss stock companies enjoy a range of participation and protective rights. The protective rights include, among other things, the right to information and the right of inspection (Swiss Code of Obligations (CO) Art. 697ff and 699a), the right to initiate a special audit (CO Art. 697c), the right to convene a General Meeting (CO Art. 699/III), the right to put items on the agenda of the General Meeting (CO Art. 699/III and 699b), the right to challenge resolutions made by the General Meeting (Art. 706 CO) and the right to sue for damages (Art. 752 ff. CO). Participation rights primarily include the right to attend the Annual General Meeting, freedom to express an opinion, and the right to vote (Art. 694 CO). The articles of the Swiss Code of Obligations can be found at, while the articles of association of Züblin Immobilien Holding AG are available at

Shareholders may only be represented at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) by their legal representative, by another person participating in the AGM who is registered in the share register with voting rights, or by an independent proxy voter. The company has mechanisms in place to allow shareholders to issue authorities and instructions to the independent proxy voter electronically.

2. Statutory quorums

There are no statutory quorums that go beyond the statutory provisions on the passing of resolutions (CO Art. 703 and 704).

3. Convocation of the AGM

The AGM is held within six months of the end of the financial year. The AGM is convened, the agenda drawn up and the resolutions passed in accordance with statutory regulations.

4. Inclusion of items on the agenda

The Articles of Association stipulate that one or more shareholders who, at the time of the request for an item to be included on the agenda, together represent shares with a nominal value of at least CHF 1 000 000, may request in writing that items be included on the agenda, stating the proposals. The request to add an item to the agenda and the proposals must be submitted to the Board of Directors at least 45 days before an AGM.

5. Registration in the share register

The cut-off date for registration in the share register with regard to taking part in the AGM will be notified to shareholders in the invitation to the 35th ordinary AGM to be held on 27 June 2024. The cut-off date is 19 June 2024.

The invitation to the AGM will be sent to shareholders at least 20 days in advance.