3.1 Background
Züblin has an integrated risk management programme which identifies and assesses the companyʼs significant risks and takes appropriate measures to reduce them. The Board of Directors is responsible for monitoring the companyʼs risk management activities. It reviews the status of all identified risks, including the measures taken, at least every six months together with the Executive Management to minimise or eliminate identified risks.
The Züblin Groupʼs primary business is the acquisition of real estate, mainly in the German-speaking markets, and the creation of value through the active asset management and sale of such properties. To finance new acquisitions of investment properties, new loans are taken out in the currency of the relevant country for up to 60% of the investment. The loans are floating-rate mortgages. The maturities and conditions attaching to these loans depend on the rental situation and the planned timeframe for the sale of the relevant properties.