Information policy

1. Main vehicles

Züblin Immo­bilien Hold­ing AG is com­mit­ted to ensur­ing that its share­hold­ers and the cap­i­tal mar­kets receive open, up-to-date and trans­par­ent infor­ma­tion. The main vehi­cles for dis­sem­i­nat­ing infor­ma­tion are the annu­al and semi-annu­al reports, the cor­po­rate web­site, press releas­es, the results pre­sen­ta­tion for the media and ana­lysts and the AGM

2. Main dates for the release of information

  1. Bal­ance sheet date 2017/18, 31 March 2018
  2. Pub­li­ca­tion of annu­al results 2017/18 as of 31 March 2018, 17 May 2018
  3. 29th ordi­nary Annu­al Gen­er­al Meet­ing, 20 June 2018
  4. Pub­li­ca­tion of semi-annu­al results 2018/19 will be pub­lished on the com­pa­nyʼs Website 

As a list­ed com­pa­ny, Züblin Immo­bilien Hold­ing AG is required under the List­ing Rules of the SIX Swiss Exchange ( to dis­close infor­ma­tion that may affect its share price. 

For Investor Rela­tions queries, please contact: 

Roland Friederich, CFO
Phone +41 44 206 29 39