2.1Significant accounting policies
The consolidated semi-annual financial statements of the Züblin Group have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim «Financial Reporting» and with Art. 17 of the SIX Swiss Exchange Directive on Financial Reporting. The consolidated semi-annual financial statements do not contain all of the information and notes that are required at the financial year-end and should therefore be read along with the consolidated annual financial statements for the Züblin Group for the financial year ending 31 March 2024.
The presented consolidated semi-annual financial statements for the Züblin Group as of 30 September 2024 were approved by the Board of Directors on 7 November 2024.
2.2Amendments to accounting principles
The same accounting and valuation principles as for the consolidated annual financial statements as of 31 March 2024 apply to the presented consolidated semi-annual financial statements.
For the current financial year 2024/25, no new accounting standards relevant to Züblin came into force, except those already mentioned in the annual financial statements as of 31 March 2024.
2.3Critical accounting estimates and judgements
The preparation of the consolidated semi-annual financial statements requires the use of estimates and judgements by the Companyʼs management. These estimates and judgements affect the way in which assets, liabilities, income and expenses are reported and their valuation, as well as the disclosure of contingent liabilities and other disclosures in the semi-annual financial statements. The actual outturn may differ from estimates and assumptions that have been used. In the event that they subsequently differ from the actual outturn, the initial estimates and assumptions are revised to reflect the changed circumstances during the financial year in which these changes occur. In the Züblin Group the main accounting estimates and judgements relate to the valuation of investment property and income taxes. The disclosures of critical accounting estimates and judgements as presented in the annual consolidated financial statements are unchanged.
There were no changes in the valuation criteria in connection with IFRS 13 during the reporting period and there were no reclassifications within this category. The investment properties recognized at fair value as of 30 September 2024 qualify unchanged to 31 March 2024 as level 3 fair value inputs.
2.4Consolidation principles
2.4.1 Scope of consolidation
There were no changes in the scope of consolidation in the first half year 2024/25.
2.4.2 Translation of foreign currencies
As at 31 March 2024, all foreign subsidiaries currently have no operating activities. The functional currency is the Swiss franc.
Balance sheet rate CHF/EUR as of 30.09.24: CHF 0.9448 (31.03.24: CHF 0.9765)
Average rate CHF/EUR as of 30.09.24: CHF 0.9623 (31.03.24: CHF 0.9607)