The Compensation Report has been drawn up on the basis of articles 14 to 16 of the Ordinance against excessive pay in listed companies (Verordnung gegen übermässige Vergütungen bei börsenkotierten Aktiengesellschaften [VegüV]). It replaces the disclosures pursuant to Art. 663b of the Swiss Code of Obligations previously provided in the parent company financial statements of Züblin Immobilien Holding AG.

Compensation of the Board of Directors

in CHF

Basic compensation

Subsidiaries 1






Financial year 2018/19




Dr. Iosif Bakaleynik, Chairman

100 000


100 000

Vladislav Osipov, Member

70 000


70 000

Dr. Markus Wesnitzer, Member

70 000


70 000

Dr. Wolfgang Zürcher, Member

70 000


70 000

Total Board of Directors

310 000


310 000

Compensation approved by the Annual General Meeting



550 000





Financial year 2017/18




Dr. Iosif Bakaleynik, Chairman 2

100 000


100 000

Vladislav Osipov, Member 2

70 000


70 000

Dr. Markus Wesnitzer, Member 2

70 000

5 926

75 926

Dr. Wolfgang Zürcher, Member

70 000


70 000

Total Board of Directors

310 000

5 926

315 926

Compensation approved by the Annual General Meeting



550 000

1 Board compensation at the subsidiary level.

2 This member of the Board of Directors was also a member of the Board of Directors of ZIAG Immobilien AG, Dusseldorf until 21/08/2017.

Compensation of the Executive Management

in CHF

Basic compensation

Bonus in cash

One time transaction related bonus in cash

Employers contributions 1


Financial year 2018/19






Dr. Iosif Bakaleynik, CEO

507 813

250 000


109 390

867 203

Roland Friederich, CFO

220 000

110 000


51 029

381 029

Total Group Management

727 813

360 000


160 419

1 248 232

Compensation approved by the Annual General Meeting





1 800 000







Financial year 2017/18






Dr. Iosif Bakaleynik, CEO

625 000

243 750

312 500

140 292

1 321 542

Roland Friederich, CFO

220 000

85 800

110 000

55 367

471 167

Total Group Management

845 000

329 550

422 500

195 659

1 792 709

Compensation approved by the Annual General Meeting





1 800 000

1 thereof contribution to pension schemes (AHV, pension fund) CHF 144'016 (prior year: CHF 146'828)

Additional information on the Compensation Report

The expenses of CHF 15'594 for social security contributions are not reported for the individual Board members, as these contribtions do not give rise to additional pension entitlements. No non-executive member of the Board of Directors is a member of the companyʼs pension fund.

All members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Management receive lump-sum expenses at the level permitted by the tax authorities. Expenses incurred in connection with board meetings and which are not covered by the lump-sum expenses are also reimbursed.

The company has no outstanding loans to current or former members of the board or management.

All expenses are recognized on the basis of the accrual principle and reconcile with the information in both the parent company and consolidated financial statements of Züblin Immobilien Holding AG.